Presented at: 2020 Instructional Innovation Conference

Intentionally Inclusive: Ensuring a Multicultural Perspective in the Classroom

Session Description

"What does a truly multicultural approach look like? Participants will participate in reflective exercises including role play and in-depth discussions using conflict mediation strategies and curriculum exploration that help to formulate conversations around stereotypes, expectations, and microaggressions which stifle us from moving beyond barriers. "

Session Goals

"Participants will be given an overview of what multicultural exploration looks like in the classroom. Participants will explore how to identify resources with inclusive and relevant themes. Participants will think about evaluating their current resources and materials References:,culturally%20responsive%20and%20sustaining%20pedagogy."

Full Description

"Participants will participate in reflective exercises including role play and in-depth discussions using conflict mediation strategies and curriculum exploration that help to formulate conversations around stereotypes, expectations, and microaggressions which stifle us from moving beyond barriers. The objectives for the sessions will be to *formulate strategies for conversations around stereotypes, and recognize when we are playing into a stereotype *review data and resources to help dispel cultural myths, and identify strategies to recognize microaggressions."

Presented by: 
Stansberry, Monica
Finley, Aimee

Single Session



Zoom Access