Presented at: 2022 Outcomes & Assessment Conference

Connecting Assessment and ePortfolio

Session Description

The ePortfolio practice supports learning across boundaries. This includes inside and outside the classroom, pedagogy, and educational and career development. The collection of artifacts, reflections, and experiences form a digital narrative of a student's academic journey. Join us to learn more about using ePortfolio to showcase student work and more!

Session Goals

"• Describe what reframing assessment with ePortfolios would look like at your institution. • Discuss the value of using faculty champions to implement and carryout assessment. • Identify at least five practical strategies to leveraging ePortfolio for assessment at your institution. • Identify potential barriers to creating a culture of assessment at your institution. "

Full Description

Assessment of student learning involves intentional engagement and is a continuous improvement process. Institutions must find innovative ways to reframe assessment; focus on what is actionable and bring consistency to the assessment of student learning for greater utilization of existing resources. Using ePortfolio is one strategy to consider.

Presented by: 
Williams, Gracie
Cannon, Regina

Single Session
