Presented at: 2022 Outcomes & Assessment Conference

Canvas: Achieving Alignment

Session Description

"Educational alignment refers to consistency between the learning objectives and the tasks, assessments, and technologies used to reach the objectives. This session covers the steps required to achieve targeted alignment, and the tools in Canvas to make that work."

Session Goals

"Create Targeted Learning Outcomes​ Add learning outcomes to Canvas​ Align Assessments & Instructional Activities​ Align Resources & Technologies"

Full Description

The session focuses on two main objectives: teaching how to correctly create targeted learning outcomes and how to align those with course activities using the Canvas LMS. Frequently we focus on the big-picture outcomes of a required course without necessarily aligning individual activities and tests that better aid students with achieving the course outcomes. Canvas has several tools that instructors can use to align outcomes to course activities.

Presented by: 
Jason Sabotin

Single Session
