Presented at: 25th Annual Fall Leadership Conference

Thriving, Not Just Surviving: Strategic Succession Planning in Your Department

CLARA Project

Session Description

At the DCCCD, two distinct departments faced with immediate and future needs for succession planning were surprised when unable to find resources to support this process. They developed local resources suited to their specific requirements. As many departments face the same needs, this workshop shares best practices and lessons learned.

Session Goals

Presentation Goals o Define and describe succession planning. o Share two unique departments’ succession planning journeys. Participant Outcomes o Identify at least two (2) reasons for and at least two (2) benefits of succession planning. o Discuss succession planning best practices and lessons learned. o Create one short-term goal for implementing a succession planning action.

Full Description

At the DCCCD, two distinct departments faced with immediate and future needs for succession planning were surprised when unable to find resources to support this process. They developed local resources suited to their specific requirements. As many departments face the same needs, this workshop shares best practices and lessons learned. As part of their participation in CLARA, the presenters developed these materials to assist with their respective succession plans. Participants will come away with a first step in their own succession planning development. Agenda o Introductions o Definition of Succession Planning o Two Case Studies: DCCCD’s Richland College Library Cross-Training Program and LeCroy Center IDS On-Boarding Manual o Best Practices & Lessons Learned o Small Group Discussion & Activity

Presented by: 
McKinnon, Laura
Grandjean, Felicity

Single Session



RNHS 014