Presented at: 10th Annual Spring Leadership Conference

Stop-out Communications: Retaining Students who have Stopped out

Session Description

Community Colleges work hard to recruit and retain students. But few have active plans to encourage stopped-out students to return to college. In this session, we will discuss how to build a stop-out communication plan, outline data needs, and plan technology considerations. In Fall 2018 and Fall 2019, staff working with Dallas Promise students created and implemented a re-enrollment plan for stop-out students. Without the addition of new staff or large costs, we built a communication outline and implemented a plan. The process was built to be scalable to many different populations encouraging their return to higher education.

Session Goals

Goals of this presentation: * Understand and identify causes of stop-outs students * Diagram and build a communication outline for use with your own college's stop-out population

Presented by: 
Satterfield, Craig

Single Session
