Presented at: 25th Annual Fall Leadership Conference

Creating and Sustaining a Successful Mentor Program

Session Description

This workshop details how to support students with a mentoring program focused on faculty coaching, advisor support, and peer guidance. Through the establishment of effective strategies for college-wide recruitment, engaging training sessions, efficient procedures, and coordinating student activities, participants will learn how to set up their program for success.

Session Goals

Participants will learn about a mentoring program that brings together students, faculty, and advisors as a way of encouraging, supporting, and motivating students to achieve their academic and career goals. Participants will understand how this program supports student engagement and belonging as an essential component for student success. Participants will identify clear and successful program procedures that promote faculty, advisor, and student engagement through college-wide recruitment, engaging training sessions, helpful resources, and coordinating student activities.

Full Description

The Academic Planning Coach Program (APCP) is one initiative of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for Collin College, and it is currently in its fifth year of implementation and progressing towards full integration within the college. The APCP is a mentoring program that brings together students, faculty, and advisors in a joint effort to provide students with support in academic planning. This workshop covers effective strategies designed to ensure program success. Participants will learn how to recruit college-wide for both faculty coaches and targeted student populations, how to support faculty through engaging training sessions with helpful resources and clear procedures, and how to successfully coordinate student activities while simultaneously providing student work experience. Participants will leave this session with the knowledge to implement a successful mentor program based on college-wide engagement and aimed towards helping students achieve their academic planning goals.

Presented by: 
Castleman, Lacy

Single Session



RNHS 015