Presented at: Developmental Education Regional Forum

Corequisite Model Best Practices: INRW and English

Session Description

Presentation seeks to share best practices for joining two courses: INRW 0315 and English 1301 in an attempt to support students who qualify for developmental reading and writing courses when attempting to take credit-bearing courses at a Texas community college.

Session Goals

Professor Jacqueline Hernandez and Dr. Lisa Hull Forrester, an INRW professor and an English professor, created curriculum to address the Collin College Co-Req Pilot program for use in the spring semester of 2018 in advance of the law taking effect in Fall of 2018. Beginning with how the professors determined the education needs of the students based on pedagogy, research, and class room experience, the presentation shares some of their assignments and results to help others planning similar curriculum.

Full Description

The presentation involves sharing curriculum examples and antidotes using PowerPoint and handouts for the audience. A brief description and history of the Co-Req program in Texas given orally by the professors.