Presented at: 25th Annual Fall Leadership Conference

Connecting Freshmen Seminar to Major and Career

Session Description

Freshmen Seminar courses are common at community colleges and universities, but our student feedback on the course has often been polarizing. We have worked to revise the assignments and classroom management style to intentionally align with major and career outcomes. This has resulted in greater student engagement in the course.

Session Goals

Provide Course Learning Outcomes for Freshmen Seminar Provide framework for developing applied Freshmen Seminar Provide examples of syllabus, course calendar, and assignments Provide feedback on the use of advisors versus departmental instructors in teaching the course

Full Description

Presentation will be PowerPoint based and cover the following topics in order: 1) What is a Freshmen Seminar 2) What is the Importance of Incorporating a Freshmen Seminar in your curriculum 3) Developing Curriculum that in Career Intentional 4) Starting with your Syllabus 5) Suggested Assignments 6) Tips and Tricks 7) Student Feedback 8) Questions Several Handouts will be provided including example syllabus and course calendars. Further information can be provided upon request including assignments via digital request from presenters.

Presented by: 
Payne, Laura
Favors, Crystal

Single Session



RNHS 216