Presented at: 2021 Fall Leadership Conference

Collaborate: Bringing Students, Staff, and Technology to Meet Student Needs

CLARA Project

Session Description

Learn how Dallas College used digital tools and platforms to allow for an easier student experience and allow staff to focus on meeting student needs in their area, instead of focusing on problem solving complicated technology. We will share lessons learned, system limitations, and steps to ensure robust data collection. Attendees will understand the tools used, why they were selected, and how they work together for a seamless student experience. Attendees will have a better understanding of data limitations of tools to better plan out their own implementations. The presentation will explore how Dallas College used Microsoft Office 365 suite tools, including Teams, SharePoint, Forms, and Excel for intake and reporting. Time will be spent explaining the choice of platform, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra over Teams or Webex. Honest dialog about where the tools broke down and how to avoid those experiences in an implementation plan will allow for sharing of lessons learned. The presentation will conclude with what the future holds for our Virtual Services Platform and open the floor for questions.

Presented by: 
Gunn, William

Single Session



Zoom Meeting