Kate Landdeck

Texas Woman's University
Associate Professor of History and Director of Pioneers Oral History Project

About the Presenter

Katherine Sharp Landdeck earned her doctorate from the University of Tennessee and is an associate professor of history at TWU. She teaches courses on the twentieth-century United States and global war. Some of her classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level include the U.S. in World War II, World at War (a global look at WWII), Between the Wars (from WWI to the beginning of WWII), Post-1945 United States, Oral History Methodology, Public History and others. Landdeck runs our robust history internship program that encourages all History and Political Science students to complete an internship as part of their studies. Her research focus is in public history. She has been recognized globally for her expertise on the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) of World War II, including work with the media and in documentary films. She was nominated for an Emmy Award for her work as a contributing producer and historian on the film "Silver Wings, Flying Dreams: The Complete Story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots." Landdeck was a featured historian on the A & E /History Channel two-hour documentary on Pearl Harbor as well as the History Channel film on unknown stories of World War II. She taught for C-Span's American History Television's "Lectures in History" series with her lecture on American women in World War II.

Kate Landdeck